Walgreens Workers in Vancouver Win Their Union Election Vote, Successfully Establishing the First Unionized Walgreens Pharmacy in the Nation with The Pharmacy Guild and Taking the Wave of CVS Pharmacy Unionizations Industry-Wide

Vancouver, Washington — Pharmacy professionals at a Walgreens in Vancouver, Washington, have made history by becoming the first Walgreens store in the nation to unionize with The Pharmacy Guild (TPG). In a unanimous vote held on September 4, the store’s pharmacy professionals united in support of forming a union, marking a significant milestone in the movement to elevate safety standards in the pharmacy industry for both pharmacy technicians and pharmacists.

This landmark victory in Washington State underscores the growing momentum behind the unionization efforts sweeping across the nation’s pharmacies. Following on the heels of 6 successful union campaigns at CVS locations in Nevada and Rhode Island, the union push spreading across employers to Walgreens signals a pivotal moment in the fight for safer working conditions and enhanced patient care standards across corporate-owned pharmacies. National leadership for the Pharmacy Guild learned of the victory while gathered together in New York City at the 41st Grand Lodge Convention of the International Association of Machinists, the International Union backing the Pharmacy Guild.

Pharmacy professionals at the Vancouver Walgreens cited excessive workloads, chronic short staffing, and the increasing pressures of handling high prescription volumes while also juggling vaccination appointments as key drivers behind their decision to unionize. The unanimous vote reflects a collective determination to ensure that patient safety and the well-being of pharmacy staff are prioritized over corporate profits.

“As a pharmacist at Walgreens, I’m thrilled that our team has voted to organize, said Ann Walls, a pharmacist at the recently unionized store. “This decision marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to enhancing patient safety and improving employee well-being.  Retail pharmacy is evolving, and it’s exciting to be a part of history as we work together with Walgreens to shape a better future for both our patients and our profession.”

This victory is not just a win for the pharmacy professionals in Vancouver, but for the entire pharmacy workforce nationwide – setting a precedent for Walgreens stores across the country to follow. The strong show of support from the Vancouver pharmacy team is a testament to the critical need for change in the industry.

“This victory is a testament to patient care,” said Charissa Junker, a pharmacy technician at the Vancouver, WA store. “We’re standing together to ensure that every decision made in our pharmacy prioritizes the safety of our patients, which is the true purpose of our profession.”

The Pharmacy Guild co-founder, Shane Jerominski, praised the Vancouver Walgreens workers for their bravery and dedication to patient care, stating, “This victory is a powerful statement that pharmacy professionals are committed to putting patients first, even when the corporate environment makes that difficult. We are immensely proud of the Vancouver team and are ready to support other Walgreens locations that choose to follow their lead.”

Josephine Porter, a certified pharmacy technician at the Walgreens store echoed the importance of unionizing for Walgreens employees and customers. “By choosing to organize with The Pharmacy Guild, we’re not just securing better working conditions for ourselves; we’re also enhancing the quality of service we can provide to our community. Organizing allows us to advocate for ourselves AND our patients.”

As the first Walgreens location for pharmacy workers to unionize, the Vancouver location joins a broader movement that has seen pharmacy professionals across the country take action to demand safer staffing levels, fair working conditions, and a voice in the decisions that affect their patients’ care. The significance of this victory cannot be overstated, as it paves the way for more pharmacy professionals across the industry to unite in their pursuit of better standards.